Select Mercedes-Benz dealerships are making the most of the Pokemon Go craze by using the mobile app to draw players to its dealerships. The German manufacturer has distributed a detailed manual to certain showrooms instructing them on how to use the game's “lure modules” to attract gamers to PokeStops nearby Mercedes dealers. A lure module is only active for 30 minutes but helps spawn numerous Pokemon near its location.
What's more, Mercedes-Benz dealerships are also being encouraged to register themselves as official PokeStops on the Pokemon Go website and then promoting themselves as such on their various social media channels. While Mercedes' Pokemon Go campaign is certainly creative, we can't imagine many cars being sold because of it, particularly given the game's targeted audience of younger generations unlikely to even be able afford a Merc.
Not too long ago, the firm had a tie-up with Mario Kart 8 where players could get behind the wheel of the GLA SUV in the game.