“AMBASSADOR” An inclusive internship project done by Amol Satpute with@TUGBOTZ. "The Ambassador, a bowler-hat-shaped, Indian-made automobile born in 1957 to a newly independent nation, was once the height of style and status. " -NY Times
Known as the 'King of Indian Roads' it was based on the Morris Oxford III and was the first car to be manufactured and sold in India. Ambassador dominated the indian market thanks to it's spacious size and ruggedness comapred to it's rivals and it represented more than two thirds of the Indian market. As a result it was a popular yet diverse car. 'Amby' was the vehicle of choice from high ranking government officials to families, and taxi drivers alike.
It stayed in production for a strong 56 years, during which it did not undergo significant design changes. It is a true status symbol for the people of India and is the firm base of Indian Automotive Culture. Many Indians have grown up experiencing the existence of this Cultural Icon in its prime and at some point have imagined the re-interpretation of the same, yet none have actually done it. Until Now.